Marvel Avengers Alliance Leveling Guide

Leveling up in Marvel Avengers is important for you to get more MAA hero skills. Below is a guide on how to level up efficiently and fast in the game of Marvel Avengers Alliance. If you have found this leveling guide useful, please share them with your friends and link back to us. Lastly, check out our other useful Marvel Avengers Alliance guides.
To level fast in Marvel Avengers Alliance, you will need to utilize a variety of methods to obtain the most EXP at the shortest time possible.
You will need two factors to complete the level up in Marvel Avengers Alliance: EXP and Shield Points


MAA Agent Level

The only way to obtain Agent EXP is through quests and completing chapters/missions. Your best bet to obtain lots of EXP is to get as many friends as you can and obtain energy gifts. Visit them often for rewards.

Hero Leveling

To level up heroes, you can either send them out on remote missions on the flight deck or team up with them along on your missions. To get the most EXP for your heroes, you should aim for the shortest time frame of remote missions whenever you can play, and when you will be away from computer or game, set the longest time frame possible.
Whenever possible, you should level up all 5 classes of heroes to the same level so that you will be able to handle any kind of enemy make up.
In addition, depending on the level of heroes, varying amount of time and shield points is required for the heroes to complete the level up training process. Also, the Hero will no longer gain EXP when its level is at the max until it is trained to the next level.

Shield Points

The EXP is not enough to help your team of Heroes level up, you will also need to spend Shield points to help them train. You will need to get as many friends as possible who play Marvel Avengers Alliance to obtain the Shield points that you need to level up the heroes.
What you should do is always try to keep a healthy stash of Shield points available so that whenever your Marvel Heroes reach the EXP requirement for leveling up, you can level them up right away.

Hero Training Requirement Chart

Level Silver Shield Points Time XP to next level Remote Ops Bonus

1 NA NA NA 250 5%

2 500 8 3min 438 10%

3 1000 9 15min 656 15%

4 2000 10 30min 902 20%

5 5000 12 1hr 1173 25%

6 8000 15 2hrs 1466 30%

7 15000 18 4hrs 1781 35%

8 30000 22 8hrs 2114 40%

9 50000 26 12hrs 2467 50%

10 100000 30 18hrs 2837 60%

11 200000 35 24hrs 3223 75%

12 300000 40 36hrs NA 90%